I am a bad blogger. I've been racing away on my other blog (my writing blog, Witchway) but have completely neglected this one. So: news
The Secrets of Life and Death comes out on the 10th October *squeals in a mixture of excitement and terror*. I shall find out if it's a dud or not as far as readers go over the next few months - you never can tell. I've read some masterful books that didn't sell well, and some real monsters that have been bestsellers. That's not monster in a good way, that's terrible writing, thin story, unbelievable characters.
It looks like THIS |
It has sold in America, to another Random House imprint. It will come out here in paperback in March 2014 and it will be off to Frankfurt to see if any other company would like translate it into, say, Polish or Hungarian since it features those great locations.
It's being recorded as an audiobook with two great voice artists, one reading the contemporary strand and another doing the historical.
I've written a website: www.rebecca-alexander.co.uk and I've joined two writers' groups. I've also started teaching again, which I love. Life is going well.
I've been blogging for Mslexia, which has been great. What a fantastic opportunity to reach a whole load of new people - who like books!
I have no idea really what happens next. On my MA, we had an editor come to speak to us from Pan Macmillan. He said about 1 in 10 books flies off the shelf, a couple do moderately well, and the rest don't make good sales, and cost the publisher money. It's like having a lottery ticket - you might win big but probably won't. Except you've narrowed the competition down a bit. Helen Fielding's bringing out the next Bridget Junes book on the same day... who doesn't like a bit of a challenge?
Book 2 is in early draft waiting for editorial advice, so I'm at a quiet point in the cycle. I'm working with other writers at the moment, trying to improve the connectedness (is that a word?) of writers in the area. Far from being isolated in a creative wilderness, it turns out that I'm surrounded by writers, there's even another novelist living about a mile away. Some areas have a more overt community of writers but the local area is buzzing with new initiatives - if you know where to look. The North Devon Publishing Project is, hopefully, going to connect more of these movers and shakers with writers in the community.
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to going to London to meet with my agent and also my editor at Del Rey UK. And, for fun, to meet up with two other Del Rey writers for a chat and to put faces to the blogs! I'm also looking for more opportunities to teach creative writing, I miss the interaction with other writers. They are also usually experienced readers, and who can teach you more about your writing than the other half of the creative process?
I've also been asked if I would like to guest on the Mslexia blog. This is a great opportunity, especially as the Mslexia novel writing competition deadline is in September and the book that was a runner up will be published in October. The winner's book, The Palace of Curiosities by Rosie Garland, came out in March and is marvellous. I urge you to read it.
Having had a busy winter, I'm ready to start spring in a new position. My first book, The Secrets of Life and Death is planned to be released in October 2013, I have an almost complete draft of book 2, and A Baby's Bones is ready to edit for next year. With rewrites, edits and new writing, I have written two hundred and fifty thousand reasonable words in one year. Book 1 is at the copy editor, and I'm waiting with bated breath to see what she has to say and what I have to do to get the book polished and sorted for the proof copies. Wow. What a fantastic year.
I'm also enjoying being part of a new imprint. Del Rey UK is part of Random House/Ebury and is concentrating on publishing fantasy, streampunk and science fiction, and all the crossovers between them. It's been lovely contacting Liesel Schwarz and E.J.Swift, and hearing their experiences of writing and publishing. It's also been great reading their own books and getting excited about Steampunk and Sci/Fi again.
I'm now in limbo (a bit). I've got a very clear picture of book 3, if book 1 and 2 do OK, maybe I'll be able to get that written and sold as well, but there are no promises or certainties in publishing. Meanwhile, I need to do what any writer at any point in their career needs to do, keep writing, keep coming up with characters and plot, and keep the fingers moving, despite the unseasonably cold weather. I'm getting involved with a community project, which is taking up some of my energy and time, but it would be too easy to let it take over! The house is also in chaos as we lift carpets and sand floors, and decorate the last few rooms. Just one bedroom and bathroom to go and then we're almost sorted. Well, almost ready to run around with a paintbrush again, probably, this house is like the Forth bridge, you get to one end and start again at the other. Chaos in my surroundings does make it hard to concentrate on writing, so I'm trying a new approach.
My crime book is three different perspectives on the same events, the victim's, the criminal's, and the man imprisoned for the crime. All three have quite abnormal psychology: one is traumatised, one is the victim of a violent and chaotic childhood, and one is a psychopath. Unlike most of my books, I've kind of met all three... I'm using a scrapbook approach rather than attempting a straight narrative. In order to stay in the victim's POV, for example, I'm writing her story in bits while staying, like a method actor, more in her head. Every now and then the psychopath intrudes with a journal entry of his own. It's slightly worrying when these characters start talking to you and push their way onto the page... It does help while the house is mad, anyway. I'm really looking forward to having the floors sanded and varnished and the furniture back in place. It remains to be seen if I can stitch a scrapbook of bits into a book that makes sense and has a proper narrative, though...