So this is me. Writer of novels and poetry.
My first novel is actually my third. The previous two are gibbering in bulging folders in my computer. They are desperately flawed, structurally and writing-wise, because I was just finding my voice as a writer. So novel no. 3 is called Borrowed Time, and is a supernatural thriller. It isn't polished to a publishable standard yet, but it has been shortlisted for the inaugural Mslexia novel writing competition. It has good characters, a good story, but it still has pacing issues. I'm planning to get it out there this spring.
My 4th novel is much better structured. It's the story of a puzzle - how did two bodies, one a baby, end up down a well hundreds of years ago? It's up to Sage Westfield, county archaeologist and emotional bombsite, to find out. The unfolding story leans over the village, as the truth of a terrible crime affects the people who live there. Sage's best evidence is the writings of Vincent Garland, the Elizabethan steward of the Banstock estate, who watched the pennies and shillings, and all the people of the village.
My novels are presently unpublished and I am about to look for an agent. Any tips gratefully received!
Reb - just tried longish email to you re novel subject/s. I used same as in my address book but it bounced back as unacceptable content! If you can mail me at tony followed by usual (or my knapp.tony with the bt etc) then I can see which you'd like me to use and mail you again. Meanwhile - thanks for mentioning my website in connection with RSPB competition. - Best - Tony French (Tony in Devon) No need to publish this!